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Our Activities

Annadha Ashrama Welfare Society

Vijaya Health care Trust supported Annadha Ashramam located at Mangalagiri   Guntur district, AP.

Distributes Vegetables to Blind Families

December 3 is celebrated as the International Day of Persons with Disabilities by the United Nations across the globe

Annadhanm Seva in Coivd -19 Time

Vijaya Health care Trust supported Annadha Seva  on Every Sat located at Mangalagiri   Guntur district, AP.

Cancer Awareness Activity

We hope that this will lead to early detection which is important in the management and treatment of cancer and also prevention by making necessary changes in lifestyle

Offering Food to the needy people right outside hospitals

This initiative not only helped people who are struggling with COVID-19, but also who support on the group with selflessness. We feel that as human beings.

CORONA Lockdown Second Wave

Vijaya Health Care Trust  Foundation visited Mangalagiri  in March, Donations of food or clothing could have seemed as possibly ‘helpful’ solutions.


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