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Medical Support

Vijaya Health Care Trust

Required Donation

Rs. 6,00,000

Vijaya Health Care Trust

Baby of ch Haswitha

Baby of Ch Haswitha, male was born on 8.08.2024 at Anu my baby hospital, Enikepadu, Vijayawada is currently undergoing treatment in the NICU (Neonatal intensive care unit).

Provisional Diagnosis:

Early Preterm (31 week)/980gms/ELBW/Severe IUGR/RDS-one dose surfactant given/EONS (Culture Sterile)/ Thrombocytopenia (received platelets) /Apnea of Prematurity-on CPAP/NNJ

Baby was delivered on the same day by emergency LSCS to a second gravida mother who had h/o severe IUGR with doppler abnormalities & severe eclampsia. Baby had respiratory distress, CXR s/o HMD for which baby was intubated & connected to mechanical ventilator (HFOV), requiring surfactant administration, secured lines & parenteral nutrition was initiated. Baby had apnea hence still on respiratory support (CPAP). In v/o thrombocytopenia received 1 unit platelet transfusion. Baby is having feed intolerance since the time of initiation of OG feeds. Baby requires further respiratory support and NICU stay for weight gain.

The estimated cost for the entire treatment for complete recovery would be Rs.6,00,000/- which includes NICU stay, Lab charges and medicines.

Financial Estimated budget details are as follows:

  • Total estimated budget approximately Rs. 6,00,000/-
  • Estimated cost for NICU Stay & Respiratory support: Rs. 2,00,000/-
  • Investigations and scans: Rs. 1,00,000/-
  • Pharmacy & consumables: Rs. 3,00,000/

How you help you can donate the fund raise the check or DD should be in the name of Vijaya health care trust kindly also share the fundraiser with your family and family and friends and help them to reach the goal we will be grateful for your help

Supporting documents:-
Admission report, 

Estimation letter,

x-ray report,

hospital  notes 

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