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Medical Support

Vijaya Health Care Trust

Required Donation

Rs. 2,50,000

Vijaya Health Care Trust

Baby of Sunka Ratnam

Baby of sunka Ratnam 7days male child S/O Gopi Raju, R/O nalamothu palem Bapatla(dt) Andhra Pradesh.In NICU, blossoms mother and child hospital  Being treated for/preterm/LBW/sepsis/coagulopathy/MISC-N, He is currently undergoing medications and further investigations at blossoms mother& child hospital The total cost of the treatment would be around 2,50,000 lakhs

How you help you can donat the fund raise the check or DD should be in the name of Vijaya health care trust Kindly also share the fundraiser with your family and friends and help them to reach the goal we will be grateful for your help

Supporting documents:-
Scan reports
Blood investigation hospital
reference letter

How to help you ?

You can Donate to the Fundraise

Supporting Documents

Scan Copy

Hospital Reference

Your Donation will bring smile on the faces of your recipients


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